Testing boundaries?

The only place in your code that touches the outside world (anything outside your domain - other domains, or external consumers) is interfaces.py. Any file that handles interfaces.py should mock out other dependent domains but you should still be testing your own interface definitions.

You should use Python's standard patch tool for this.

You can use MagicMock where it makes sense.

Here is an example:

# book/test_services.py
from unittest.mock import patch

from src.book.services import create_book

def test_service_calls_author_interface(mocked_function_call):
    # Set up patched domain calls if you need it
    mocked_function_call.return_value = {
        'returned': 'object',
    # The actual test
    result = create_book(
        name='A Wizard of Earthsea',
    # Assert patched domain called with expected values
    assert mocked_function_call.assert_called_with(