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📝 Use Clientele


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Generate a Python HTTP Client from an OpenAPI Schema.

From a URL

Use the -u or --url argument.

-o or --output is the target directory for the generate client.

clientele generate -u -o my_client/


The example above uses one of our test schemas, and will work if you copy/paste it!

From a file

Alternatively you can provide a local file using the -f or --file argument.

clientele generate -f path/to/file.json -o my_client/

If you prefer an asyncio client, just pass --asyncio t to your command.

clientele generate -f path/to/file.json -o my_client/ --asyncio t


At times you may wish to regenerate the client. This could be because the API has updated or you just want to use a newer version of clientele.

To force a regeneration you must pass the --regen or -r argument, for example:

clientele generate -f example_openapi_specs/best.json -o my_client/  --regen t


You can copy and paste the command from the file in your previously-generated client for a quick and easy regeneration.


Validate lets you check if an OpenAPI schema will work with clientele.


Some OpenAPI schema generators do not conform to the specification.

Clientele uses openapi-core to validate the schema.

From a URL

Use the -u or --url argument.

-o or --output is the target directory for the generate client.

clientele validate -u

From a file path

Alternatively you can provide a local file using the -f or --file argument.

clientele validate -f /path/to/openapi.json


The generate-basic command can be used to generate a basic file structure for an HTTP client.

It does not required an OpenAPI schema, just a path.

This command serves two reasons:

  1. You may have an HTTP API without an OpenAPI schema and you want to keep a consistent file structure with other Clientele clients.
  2. The generator for this basic client can be extended for your own client in the future, if you choose.
clientele generate-basic -o my_client/


Print the current version of Clientele:

> clientele version
Clientele 0.8.3