
dj-twiml is always under development, and welcomes any contributions! If you'd like to get your hands dirty with the source code, please fork the project on our GitHub page.

The guidelines below should help you get started.


  1. Fork the project on Github
  2. Create a separate, well named branch to work on, off of the develop branch.
  3. Install the requirements using pip:
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
    $ pip install -r requirements-test.txt

You should now have the dj-twiml source code and development environment ready to go.


When contributing code, please try to keep the style matching that of the codebase. Right now, that means:

After setting up your development environment, you can run::

    $ make lint

This will lint the entire project and ensure PEP8 standards are being stuck to.

Please note: We're pretty relaxed on line length, but make sure you keep it below 90 characters where possible.


If you'd like to contribute any documentation, just dig right in! The documentation is made using the amazing MkDocs for documentation.


In order to ensure high-quality releases, dj-twiml aims to have an extensive test suite. All test suite patches and additions are welcome, and encouraged for new developers! The tests are well documented, and can be a great way to introduce yourself to the codebase!

To run the tests, you can either use::

    $ make test

You'll see output that looks something like:

    nosetests tests -s --verbosity=1
    Creating test database for alias 'default'...
    Ran 6 tests in 0.024s

    Destroying test database for alias 'default'...

That's it! As you can see, when you run the test suite, dj-twiml should output not only failing test results, but also the coverage reports.

When you submit patches or add functionality to dj-twiml, be sure to run the test suite to ensure that no functionality is broken!


When contributing to dj-twiml, here's a typical developer workflow::

# Preparing the environment:

$ pip install --upgrade virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
$ source "/usr/local/bin/"
$ mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages djtw
(djtw)$ git clone<your_username>/dj-twiml.git
(djtw)$ cd dj-twiml/
(djtw)$ git remote add upstream
(djtw)$ git checkout develop
(djtw)$ git pull upstream develop
(djtw)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
(djtw)$ pip install -r requirements-test.txt

# Hacking:

(djtw)$ git checkout develop
(djtw)$ vim ...
<<< hack time >>>

# Writing tests:

(djtw)$ cd test_project/test_app/
$ vim ...
<<< hack time >>>

# Running tests:

(djtw)$ cd dj-twiml/
(djtw)$ make test
<<< check test output >>>

.. note:: Please be sure that if you fork the project, you work on the develop branch. When submitting pull requests, please do so only if they're for the develop branch.

Bugs / Feature Requests / Comments

If you've got any concerns about dj-twiml, make your voice heard by posting an issue on our GitHub issue tracker. All bugs / feature requests / comments are welcome.